The error of chasing pain!

shoulder pain osteoarthritis

All too common problem
The error of chasing pain !
For over two years this person visited their GP with knee pain. Injections and physiotherapy did not improve the symptoms or the persons mobility.
The x-ray below shows the painful knee joint. There are no major changes seen on the x-ray, but because the experience of the pain remained around the knee, so did this persons treatment.

By staying focused on examining how joints and tissues are performing and not chasing the pain, we observed the whole person and in particular examined the joints above and below the knee.

The examination of the hip revealed significant changes. A loss of movement was quickly apparent and further investigation with x-ray highlighted the severe degenerative changes (bottom picture).


Its not uncommon for an experience of pain to mislead both patient and practitioner and therefore it is important not to be lead by an experience of pain alone.

Remember that an experience of pain is your body’s alarm, it is an essential warning mechanism, but the detail of your pain experience is not a reliable indicator of what the true nature of the problem is.

If in doubt get the problem checked out!

Examination and ultrasound scan to assist diagnosis £75. When indicated x-rays and MRI scans can be arranged.


Author: admin

Chris Creaghan is a chartered physiotherapist and specialises in musculoskeletal pathology. With a sporting history Chris remains focused on the attainment of best health. Enhanced skills include ultrasound sonography, biomechanical analysis, guided injection therapy and over 20 years of experience in differential diagnosis. Chris is familiar with NHS and private care and has developed numerous clinical pathways to facilitate both cost savings and seamless integration of care.