Ultrasound Guided Facet Joint Injections

Injection clinic is pleased to offer facet joint injections for the management of back pain caused by degenerative and inflammatory changes within the spinal facet joints. For effective treatment the diagnosis must be correct.

That's why at InjectionClinic we perform a full examination. Pain from Facet joints is very common, particularly as we get older. This is because our spinal discs dehydrate and loose height thereby increasing the strain through Facet joints.

The picture shows where facet joints (shaded purple) are in the spine (wikipeadia).

Spinal Facet Joints

Facet Joint Injection

Safe, effective and affordable.

If you have lower back pain, lumbar spine stiffness or have previously benefited from facet injections on the NHS, but can no-longer get them, then please book an appointment with Injection Clinic.

Injection Clinic does not charge a premium simply because it is a spinal injection. The preparation, sterilisation and technique of using ultrasound guided injections is the same irrespective of the joint that is being injected. Please click for prices. 

Images of Facet Joints

lumbar facet

The image shows an MRI scan of a lumbar spine. Notice how the L5 disc is dehydrated which in turn places more strain on the Facet joints.

The right image is a birds eye view of the two Facet joints that link the L5 and L4 segments together. The arrows point in the direct of where an injection is administered.

New technology, new techniques

Chris Creaghan has been trained in the administration of facet joint injections whilst using x-ray guidance, but has found with advancement in ultrasound scanners and better image acquisition, he gets the same results using ultrasound guidance. This has reduced costs dramatically and made facet joint injections available in high street health clinics.

Please note: nerve root injections and epidurals still need to be administered in a Hospital setting.

Changes in the NHS

Until recently all facet joint injections were administered in surgical theatres under x-ray guidance. This made the procedure expensive and availability on the NHS was limited.

More recently in most areas of the UK, facet joint injections have been stopped on the NHS and are now only available in the private sector.

If you wish to first discuss your problem with InjectionClinic then please call one of the clinics in Sheffield or Barnsley. Visit the appointments page for contact details.